Monday, March 21, 2011

Macaroni Monster

Cameron is a way pickier eater than Olivia. She doesn't eat any meat(besides hot dogs, which we all know isn't real meat). She loves veggies and fruits which is great but a girl can't live on grapes alone. She does seem to really like mac-n-cheese, espcially blue box. The video will show just how much-

Monday, March 14, 2011

It's Rodeo Time

This past Saturday we went down the Reliant Center to see what the rodeo was all about. It was a lot going on. There were rows and rows of vendors selling everything from mattersses to hot tubs and everything in the middle.Olivia got to witness chicks being hatched which she thought was super cool. On Saturday they were having Sheep Dog trials so we watched those for a while, it was amazing how smart the dogs were. We ate some yummy fair food and Olivia got to ride a giant ferris wheel and a camel. All in all it was a great day.

this is how Cameron spent the majority of the rodeo

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Deep into the heart of Texas

All week at Liv's preschool has been rodeo themed(I told you rodeo is a HUGE deal down here) so today they sang songs by the "campfire". I totally forgot that this was going on today so I didn't plan to stay after I dropped her off. But Cameron and I ended up staying for a few minutes anyway but the only recording device I had was my iPhone so the videos might not be a good as they could be. Also, Olivia seems less than enhused to being made to sing.

this is her signing the song with just Daniel, Cameron and I as her audience.

just a little extra song

*There is another song she sings about TEXAS to the tune of BINGO, I will try and get her on video, it is pretty darn cute.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Olivia is in the rodeo spirit

Olivia showing off her lassoing skills. She claims she learned how to lasso at school.