It's been a few weeks since I last posted. Things are just truckin' along here in our little part of Florida. Olivia is still LOVING school. That makes us so happy that she is excited and eager to go everyday. She also really enjoys riding the bus, so that helps cut down on stress for me that I don't have to go wait in the parent pick up line everyday. She is slowly starting to make friends which is great. In fact, today she asked me to write down our info.(name, address, phone numbers) so she can exchange it with a little girl in her class named Gabby. I think Cameron is really enjoying her time being an only child for 6 hours a day but she is ecstatic when Olivia gets in the car from the bus.
I am 37 weeks pregnant now and boy do I feel it. I am sure Daniel has a calendar at work crossing off the days until I am not a raging ball of hormones. I think I have officially reached the point of being ready for little this miracle to join us. As of next weekend Daniel's dad and step mom will be here camping for 3-4 weeks and they will be available to watch the kiddos at any given time, so if I can just hold out until Oct. 1, any day after is fair game. I know this is my last pregnancy so seeing it come to an end is slightly bittersweet but I am ready to get back to some kind of normalcy, normal clothes, normal walking pattern, normal foot size :-). I am afraid I have forgotten how much sleep deprivation sucks and even though I will be quickly reminded, I am excited to see Miss Addie and see if she looks like a clone of Olivia and Cameron. Olivia is super excited to be getting a baby sister, she talks to her and kisses and hugs my belly all the time. Cameron the other hand is none the wiser and poor thing, her world will soon turn on its axis.
Daniel is still loving his new position here in Jax. The hours are long but it seems A LOT less stressful than Longhorn, which is worth it's weight in gold. I hope he continues to love what he does, that makes all our lives more bearable, especially when all we have is each other.
I have a sniff that the weather in St. Louis has been super nice and I have seen pics of my friends wearing long sleeves and jeans. I cannot tell you how jealous I am of the cooler weather. I hope that happens here soon, I want some long t-shirt type of days.
The next time I post will probably be with news of the new addition joining our family.
Until next time....